Bonneville County

1932 News


Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jacobsen of Shelley announce the arrival of twin girls, February 14.

Mrs. W. R. Webb is staying at the Carl Metcalf home in Iona. Mrs. Metcalf is in the L.D.S. Hospital in Idaho Falls with a new baby girl.

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Williams announce the birth of a son on February 22.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Weaver announce the birth of a girl, born February 23.

Sgt. Herman Hemmer left Wednesday morning to return to his post at Fort Lincoln, North Dakota, after spending a week here where he was called on account of the death of his brother Frank Hemmer.

Anna L Bjorkman, 71, widow of the late E.A. Bjorkman of Idaho Falls, was born in Sweden on February 25, 1861. She came to this country when she was 32 years of age.

Mrs. Mary Thompson was born Mary Hogan in Johnson County Missouri, on April 3rd, 1845, the daughter of David Hogan, a Presbyterian minister, who at one time was a missionary to the Cherokee Indians.

Jedediah Nephi Robinson, 74, a farmer of Shelley, was born in Farmington, Utah

"When the Stork is Due Dr. Roberts Can't be Bothered by Fire. Shelly, February 29th. When the stork is due doctor F. E. Roberts of Shelly can't be bothered about a fire that is burning up his office.

While the physician was aiding volunteer firemen and their efforts to salvage furniture and equipment from a building at Shelly yesterday, a horseman spread to the scene and delivered the message to him. The doctor dropped his labors, rescued his satchel from his office in the burning building and dashed away on horseback.

For six miles he directed the animal with a rope for the bridle through the snow drifts to the remote ranch of Emmett Murphy. A baby girl was born to Mrs. Murphy.

When doctor Roberts returned he found damage estimated at $2000 had been done to his office, a grocery store and a drug store. He smiled and commented it was a “dandy” girl.

Origin of the fire which endangered for business establishments housed in the building, was not known. It was believed to have started in the basement under the Busy Corner grocery. Other businesses in the building where the Busy Meat Mart, Milton Dunn, proprietor: a barbershop, the offices of doctor F. E. Roberts, owner of the building, and the Meeker drugstore, doctor M. I. Meeker, proprietor"

"Two ""Leap Year"" Babies Born Here. Two ""leap year"" babies were born in Idaho Falls Monday, February 29, local hospitals reported Tuesday.

The little ones, who will be forced to wait four years for their next birthday are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Preston Hawker, 201 Maple, and Mr. and Mrs. V.R. Campbell of Iona.

The new arrivals were reported getting along nicely, the former at the L.D.S. hospital and the latter at Spencer."

Mr and Mrs. Preston Harker of 201 Maple Avenue, a boy on Monday, February 29, at the L.D.S. Hospital

Mr. and Mrs. V.R. Campbell of Idaho Falls, a boy on Monday, February 29, at the Spencer hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bleak of Idaho Falls route 2, boy on Saturday, February 27, at the L.D.S. Hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. F.L. Moser of Idaho Falls route 5, a girl on Saturday, February 27, at the L.D.S. Hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Rammeil of Tetonia, a girl on Sunday, February 28, at the L.D.S. Hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Leo Jorgenson of Idaho Falls route 2, boy on Sunday, February 28, at the L.D.S. Hospital.


Friends and relatives at Roberts have just learned of the marriage of Mrs Rose Leese and Antone Earnest of Idaho Falls. The wedding took place in September at Blackfoot and has just been made public. Mrs. Earnest was a former Roberts resident.

Announcement of the marriage of C.F. Brothers and Mrs. A Kelsch of this place has been made. They will make their home on the McDaniels and brothers ranch west of town.

Mrs. C. B. Beal, niece of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Brinkworth attended the wedding reception at Wandamere Tuesday evening in honor of the marriage of her brother, Everett Byerly and Leona Meppen.

Byberly-Meppen Ceremony is Performed. A lovely nuptial ceremony of this month took place on Monday, February 22nd, at the Theodore Meppen home South of town here when Mrs. Leona Meppen and Everly Byerley, son of Mrs. E. A. Byerly of Idaho Falls were united in marriage. The ceremony took place at 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon with the reverend J.I. Gulick officiating. Close friends and relatives of the bride and groom attended. A green and white arch, banked with palms and ferns formed the bridal background. Many bouquets of colorful spring flowers were used in the rooms. The bride was charming in a gown of peach chiffon and cream lace and she carried a bouquet of pink roses. Mrs. Laverne Meppen, sister of the bride, attended as bridesmaid and wore a becoming costume of rose beige lace. Her bouquet was of green and white carnations. Herman Eichmeier served as best man.
Herbert Meppen, brother of the groom, played on the violin the wedding March and “Oh Promise Me”, accompanied by Mrs. G.A. Aupperle. Following the ceremony a wedding dinner was served. A green and white color scheme was carried out in the appointments, with a large wedding cake topped with a miniature bride and groom, centering the pretty table. Guest included the reverend and Mrs. J.I. Gulick, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Meppen, parents of the bride, Mrs. E.A. Byerley, mother of the groom, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kruse, Ralph, Dale and Melva Jean Kruse, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Meppen, Mr. and Mrs. J.T. Meppen, Mrs Olive Meppen, Farwin Meppen, Mrs. Agnes Jones, George Meppen , Dr. and Mrs. G.A. Aupperle, Verna Nutzman, Clarence Kitner, and Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Kitner
Following the dinner of the bride and groom left Pocatello, returning to the city for a wedding dance held Thursday evening at the Wandamere hall. Two hundred and fifty couples attended the dance until alate hour. Music was furnished by Mrs. George Hennrich, Herbert Meppen, James Kemper, Louis Meppen, and Bert Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Byerley are well known in the city where they have made their homes. They expect to continue making this city their home in the near future.

Divorce Case Filed. Suit for divorce was filed Wednesday by Ada Nelson against William Nelson. The complaint charges cruelty and asks that the plaintiff be awarded $50 court costs and suitable alimony. The two were married in Idaho Falls October 27, 1938. (This is probably supposed to be 1928.)

Notice of intention to marry was filed Saturday in the Bonneville county clerk's office by Wesley Daniel Ball and Mary Ann Krieger, both of Iona.

Marriage Intention Filed. Notice of intention to marry was filed in the Bonneville county clerk's office Monday afternoon by John Rex Dick and Blanch Bradley, both of Shelley.

Mrs. Mary Smith Orme was united in marriage with Samuel W. Orme on February 24th, 1886.

Pair Wedded 56 Years Ago on February 29. Married on leap year, February 29th, 56 years ago, Mr. And Mrs. G. S. Smith of 120 Whittier Lane, celebrated their 14th wedding anniversary Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Smith, well known residents of the city for the past 16 years, were married 56 years ago in Dallas County, Iowa. During their residence here they have made many friends and have taken an active part in community life of this city. Five children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Smith, four of them living in Idaho Falls and Mrs. O. K. Anderson of Green River, Utah. Mrs. Anderson is visiting her parents this week for the informal family reunion which marked the anniversary celebration.
Children of Mr. and Mrs. Smith include A.A. Smith, W. S. Smith, Miss Ruby Smith, Mrs. R. B. Ewart, and Mrs. Anderson of Green River.


Final tribute to Mrs. Mary Thompson to be paid here in afternoon. Final rites will be paid Sunday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock over the body of Mrs. Mary E. Thompson, aged resident of Idaho Falls and pioneer woman of the West, who died Friday afternoon following a period of several years of ill health brought on by her advanced age.
Services for the woman, mother of Mrs. E.M. Holden of 876 Park Ave, will be held in the Presbyterian Church with the reverend J.I. Gulick officiating.
The death of Mrs. Thomas who lacked only a little more than a month of being say 87 years old at her passing was felt at a distant last in the community in which she had resided for nearly 35 years period
She was born Mary Hogan in Johnson County Missouri, on April 3rd, 1845, the daughter of David Hogan, a presbyterian minister, who at one time was a missionary to the Cherokee Indians. During the early part of her life, she experienced the hardships and strife of that period of American history which came near to disturbing the union, being 14 years old when the civil war broke out.
Moved to Kansas. While still a young woman, Mary Hogan married Phillip Thomas, moving with him from her home state to Kansas and later to Colorado where her husband was interested in the mercantile business. Phillip Thomas was an active man in the rough and ready life of the early West. He was mayor of four Colorado towns, Racine, Kokoma, Parsons, and Glenwood Springs. Friends characterized him as a staunch champion of the law. In his public and private life he had the inspiration and support of his wife.
Mrs. Thomas came to Idaho Falls in 1897, following her husband's death. She is survived by two children, Mrs. Holden and Dr. Ernest Thomas of Sierra Madre CA; also by a brother, Edwin H Hogan of Dallas, Texas, and a sister Mrs. Julia Fromberg, also of Dallas.
The body of the deceased will lie in the state at the wood Funeral Home Sunday from 10:00 o'clock until time of services. Interment will take place in the Rose hill cemetery under direction of the wood funeral package.

Word was received recently by M.H. Tracy of the death of his cousin, Earl Tracy, in an accident at Ogden, Utah.

Services held last week for Archer woman. Funeral services were held Friday, February 19th, for Mrs. Margaret Bybee, 33. Services were held in the Lyman L.S.D. Chapel with Bishop J. L. Snedaker in charge. Music was furnished by the choir and Mrs. Beck and Mrs. James R. Smith sang a duet. Invocation was offered by Bishop James R. Smith of Archer.
Speakers were Charles R. Rytting, Heber Robinson, Carl Johnson and Bishop Snedaker. Benediction was offered by Bishop Williford Anderson of independence. Members of the relief society were flower bearers. Paul bearers were Reese Bybee, Alfred Bybee, Lee Bybee, Frank Stanger, Dewey Arnold and Heber Robinson. Interment was in the Lyman-Archer cemetery under the direction of the Beneficial Mortuary.

E.H. Sheppard received word that an aunt, Mrs. Caroline Jacobs, of Salt Lake City, is dead.

Anna L. Bjorkman, 71, widow of the late E.A. Bjorkman of Idaho Falls, died at a local hospital Friday morning. She had resided here 11 years and was well known in the city and in the New Sweden district.
The deceased was born in Sweden on February 25, 1861. She came to this country when she was 32 years of age.
She is survived by 6 children, Dr. Joel Burkman of Sacramento, Calif; Mrs. Anna E. Peterson, Albert Burkman, and Walter Burkman of Firth; and Sigmond Burkman of Idaho Falls;also by 6 grandchildren and a sister, Mrs. Earnest Lindellises of Detroit, Michigan.
Funeral services have not yet been announced, pending receipt of word from the woman's children. The McHan funeral home has charge of arrangements.

Shelley Farmer Passes in S.L. Salt Lake City, Feb 26 (AP) - Jedediah Nephi Robinson, 74, a farmer of Shelley, Idaho, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Ethel Montague, here today of heart disease.
Born in Farmington, Utah, he spent most of his life in Salt Lake City, where he was active in affairs of the Latter Day Saints church. He is survived by his widow and 6 children, including Jed O. Robinson of Shelley, Idaho, and Mrs. Rena Cuttler of Rexburg, Idaho. Surviving also are 16 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren.

Three Americans Die in Shanghai.
First Casulaties Among Defense Forces Reported; one is Pocatellan. Shanghai, Feb 29 (AP) - The first three casualties among the American defence forces participating in the Shanghai crisis were reported today. Sergeant Moore L. Gordon of Sidney, Iowa, a member of the 31st United States infantry, died of pneumonia contracted from exposure but completing a series of telephone lines in the American area. Reports were also made on the deaths of two private soldiers in the 31st infantry, private James Jordan of Chidester, Arkansas, and private Albert Lewis of Pocatello Idaho, both of whom died of smallpox last week. They will be buried here.
Three other members of the regiment are still in isolation hospitals with the same disease. Medical officers ordered every man in the regiment vaccinated.

Soldier's Body Not To Be Sent Home For Year.
Pocatello, March 1 (AP) - Mrs. Arvezino Lewis, mother of Albert B Lewis, company 1, 31st infantry, who died of smallpox in the American General Hospital in Shanghai February 24th, has chosen to wait a year for the return of her son's body for burial here rather than have it cremated or buried permanently in China.
Mrs. Lewis made her decision last night after learning through senator Borah, who has been investigating the case in Washington, that under Chinese law the bodies of persons dying ofcontagious diseases must be buried for a year in China or be cremated before being removed to another country.
Senator Borahh wired the information to Mayor T. C. Coffin.

Funeral Rites for Mrs. Barnes Tuesday.
Funeral services for Mrs. Lucinda Lily Barnes, 27, wife of Orville Barnes of Idaho Falls, who died in a local hospital Thursday night, will be held in the Presbyterian Church Tuesday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock.
The reverend R. P. Douglas of the Baptist Church will officiate. The body will lie in state at the McHan Funeral Home Tuesday until time of services.

Arthur E. Zener Dies in Pocatello. Pocatello, February 29th (AP) - Arthur E. Zener, 56, secretary of the Pocatello Elks Lodge for 10 years and prominent in fraternal and civic circles, died suddenly here last night of a heart attack. He had been slightly ill for two days. Surviving are his widow and two sons.

Markham Services Held on Tuesday.
Funderal services for John C. Markham, 75, who died in Hamer, were held Tuesday at 1 o'clock in the Wood funeral chapter, Ralph Perry of the First Christrian church officiating.
Three songs "Asleep in Jesus", "Sometime We'll Understand", and "There Is a Home Eternal" were sung by a mixed quartet comprised of Beatrice Clark, Irene McCune, F.A. Blake and Herbert Adams. Mrs. Blake accompanied.
Floral wreaths were carried by ladies of the Welfare league of the First Christian church. The body will be taken to Lawrence, Nebraska for burial.

Mrs. Mary Orme Buried Monday.
Services Held at St. Anthony for Wife of Late Senator S.W. Orme. St. Anthony, March 1.
Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Smith Orme, wife of late senator S. W. Orme Fremont County, were held Monday afternoon at 1:00 o'clock at the Yellowstone state Tabernacle. The opening prayer was offered by C. E. Murri and the benediction by Reuben Davis. The first ward choir sang the opening and closing numbers, “Oh My Father” and “Tho Deepening Trials”.
The speakers were L. Eric Johnson, J. C. Coffin and Dr. M. P. Kelly. A quartet comprised of Myrthen Bassett, W. M. Hanson, Floyd Davis Reese Richard sang “That wonderful mother of mine.” Mrs. Grant Parker sang “I've Done My Work” and “My Father Knows” was sung by Mrs. L. Eric Johnson and Lester Dayton. Burial was in the Wilford cemetery.
Mrs. Orme was born in Tooele UT November 19th 1865. On February 24th, 1886, she was united in marriage with Samuel W. Orme. Mr. and Mrs. Orme move to Wilford on July 1897 where they lived until the time of Mr. Orem’s death in 1924. Mrs. Orme moved to Saint Anthony in 1926 where she has since made her home. She was the mother of 13 children common nine of whom survive; S. J. Orme, Squirrel; Mrs. E. M. Jorgensen, Saint Anthony; Milo Orme, Live Oak, California; J. Roy Ome, Wilford; Mrs. W. D. Hollist, Wilford; E. Dean Orme, Saint Anthony; Mrs. Arnold Swinson, Mrs. Elva Swenson and Reed Orme of Saint Anthony. Thirty-one grandchildren also survived, as well as a brother, Bert Smith of Tooele UT. And Mrs. S. C. Orem of Pocatello.
Mrs. Orme fell through a trapdoor which leads to the basement of her home about six weeks ago, fracturing her left leg. For three weeks she seemed to be progressing splendidly when she took a decided turn for the worse and since that time little hope was entertained for her recovery. she has been active in the Latter Day Saints church, serving his counselor in new Relief Society and primary organizations. Mrs. Orme was the clerk of the Wilford school district for several years.

Contributed by Kim Bare 10 Oct 2021, from The Post-Register, Idaho Falls, Idaho, 1932 Feb 28 - Mar 01

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